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gunpowder aaa tea

Have you heard of Gunpowder AAA tea? Tea is available in many parts of the world and this special kind comes from China which has a very rich tea culture. It's called Gunpowder because the leaves are rolled tightly into little balls that look like gun pellets. This special type of rolling helps the tea keep good for a long time, and also makes its taste that much more delicious!

Gunpowder AAA tea has a very long history dating back from ancient time in China. There people love drinking tea every day usually more than we have water here! They thought that tea had magic abilities since it could make them more awake and smarter. Isn't that cool? Just think, you are ingesting a substance that helps to make you more alert and focused!

Unleash the bold flavor of authentic Gunpowder AAA tea

Taste - Gunpowder AAA -This tea has a very aggressive taste the strength of this is what really reminds me with which I am not so impressed. You will love this tea if you are someone who loves experimenting with tastes. The taste may be a bit caustic, and let us rectify that since many people consider it commendable. Others prefer to drink it so only the natural flavor comes out; no sweeteners added. Both ways are delicious!

For Gunpowder AAA tea, you should brew it with 100-degree water. You will take one or two of those little things and set them into a cup filled with hot water. Next: Let sit a few minutes. After 30 minutes the balls start to break down and let all their tasty flavours out into the water. In a few minutes you will have hot cup of tea ready!!

Why choose Dazhangshan tea gunpowder aaa tea?

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