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Chinese dried camellia

Ever wonder what Chinese dried camellia tea looks like? Tea is a refreshing beverage produced from the leaves of the camellia plant. It has great history and favorite of many people. This tea is made by first drying the leaves and then brewing them to make a delicious beverage. This tea has been a popular choice in China for thousands of years. But what is it about this tea that gives it such a reputation? We will explore some secrets to how it is made!

The camellia plant requires the specific weather conditions to make them grow. It especially loves warm and moist areas, which will help it grow stronger. In addition to this, it demands humus-rich soil for the development of its massive leaves. The farmers in China nurture these camellia plants. Their efforts are for always keeping the plants well-watered and disease-free.

    Experience the rich taste of Chinese dried camellia

    When the leaves are mature and ready to be picked, they are painstakingly plucked from the camellia bush. The leaves need to be dried in the sun, after being harvested. This process of drying can take days, and is vital. The leaves need to be flipped over regularly so that they dehydrate consistently and do not get spoiled. Such an exacting approach helps to create the tea with flavors that are better than any other.

    So, knowing that the tea is made like this you would probably wondering how it tastes. Chinese dried camellia tea has a particular flavor (technical term is tasting notes) — full bodied and smooth, slightly bitter. It is also commonly drunk as a way of unwinding for people in China. It is a familiar sip to most people that provides solace.

    Why choose Dazhangshan tea Chinese dried camellia?

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