Issa, qatt riħa xi ħaġa tant ħelwa u fjuri li għamlitlek lir-ruħ trid tgħolli lilha nnifisha fuq crumpet-fuls tal-aroma inkwistjoni? Il-ħelu punġenti fl-arja - forsi huwa fjuri mnixxfa osmanthus. It-togħma ta 'sieħeb żgħir isfar sabiħ li jirdoppja bħala aċċessorju aromatiku. L-osmanthus imnixxef, pereżempju, huwa ingredjent frekwenti fit-tisjir Ċiniż u l-mediċina tradizzjonali. Riċentement tè Dazhangshan Freeze-dried tè oolong aroma osmanthus trab sar aktar famuż internazzjonalment wara diversi għexieren ta 'snin ta' karatteristiċi u karatteristiċi rari.
This makes osmanthus dried flowers absolutely perfect for other flavours, and while it is mostly used in sweet applications (cake, pudding or cookies), there are many savory dishes that also work with the floral flavors of osmanthus-they can be parts of soups/letters marinades to enhance more flavour. Edible Use - Dazhangshan tea Osmanthus is also dried and used to add fragrance onto rice wine, as well in teas.
It is thought that dried osmanthus can take away the heat inside our body or make us Yin and Yang balanced. As the story goes, there are also germ-fighting powers in this herb and it can help ease inflammation as well so people say she's a friend. Adding dried osmanthus to your tea can relieve a sore throat, upset stomach and maybe just relax after a long day. Not to mention te osmanthus oolong by Dazhangshan tea adds a great aroma and flavour to your tea that increases the magic around.
Osmanthus moqli għandu tradizzjoni antika u huwa uniku għall-kultura Ċiniża. Dan il-metall kien ġie utilizzat għal sekli wara l-applikazzjoni tiegħu u huwa assoċjat ukoll mal-qamar f'eluf ta 'stejjer/folklor Ċiniż. Hija magħrufa wkoll bil-fjuri reali tagħha, eluf ta’ arti u poeżiji sbieħ inkitbu fuq din il-fjura. Hekk kienet dik l-istorja ta' Chang'e, alla tal-qamar li tħejji osmanthus niexef f'tè fid-dar tagħha fuq il-qamar. Fiċ-Ċina, in-nies Ċiniżi jħobbu jieklu osmanthus iswed a ingredjent ta 'l-ikel indispensabbli tat-te matul il-festival ta' Nofs il-Ħarifa li kien jum ta 'festa u btala serja fiċ-Ċina. Ukoll, wieħed mill-kontenut importanti fit-te tal-ħxejjex Ċiniżi popolari msejħa "Tè Ħames Fjuri" li ħafna bħal huwa osmanthus niexef.
Tista 'tagħżel li żżid osmanthus imnixxef għal dar aktar fragranti. Dan iż-żejt li jinxtamm pjuttost għandu fwieħa ħelwa u tal-fjuri u għalhekk huwa użat ħafna biex jagħmel kmamar b'riħa pjaċevoli bi fwejjaħ jew xemgħat. Huwa biss flixkun imnixxef osmanthus oolong te slim with aromatic air. Better still you can poke holes in small bags of dried Osmanthus Black Tea Combination that include drying lavender with a few bits of mint leaves and be who you are while making a happy home live-friendly.
Dried osmanthus tea among first leading agricultural industrialization companies Jiangxi Province, independent import export license. Dazhangshan Tea certified EU standards 26 years in row. It holds organic certifications across globe such NOP US as well Naturland, BioSuisse, Rainforest Kosher.
Tea processing, technology development research, eco-tourism all all, annual processing capacity tea could up 3,000 tons, which principal source Dried osmanthus, provide gunpowder tea along chunmee black tea steamed green tea. plants flowers, deep-processed tea, finished tea blending, packaging various kinds products services.
We support any form transport, so long it'sDried osmanthus, convenient favorable, according needs customers Exporting numerous countries, offering excellent after-sales service, solving customer concerns online time.
Organic Dried osmanthus plantations cover vast area, 12,000 mu (800 acres) tea production base documented Jiangxi Provincial Customs, eco-friendly industrial park Dashan encompasses area 34,400 square metres, capacity process three thousand tons. It superb control inspection system.