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+ 86-793 7351573

Br. 202, br. 5 Rulin Road, grad Ziyang, okrug Wuyuan

Zeleni jasmin

Među najomiljenijim čajevima u krugovima u kojima je čaj itekako dio tradicije i među onima koji pažljivo biraju svoje napitke i mladi i stari je zeleni čaj od jasmina. To je rekao, Dazhangshan čaj pakiranje čaja od jasmina potječu iz biljke koja se već koristi za njegovu proizvodnju. Nakon što ručno uberu, ovo lišće se suši i sprema kako bi ga spremili za šalicu osvježavajućeg čaja. Međutim, dok se spremate pijuckati čaj, cvjetovi jasmina stavljaju se uz lišće. Taj postupak daje čaju lijep miris u kojem mnogi uživaju.

Dobro za vas i opuštajuće

Along with the mind, The green jasmine tea is so great in a fragrance that obviously amazing it is smell as well and makes you feel happy for at least once while ie (one) sip of this magical drink which keeps healthy, along with Dazhangshan tea's product aromatizirani bijeli čaj. So we all know the wonders of green tea and when you add jasmine flowers to it, it is working increases. Jasmine tea is very high in the antioxidants present in green teas. This is where antioxidants come in by protecting your body and cell integrity. Bad, bad free radicals means good antioxidants kicking the crap out of these nasty things that mess up your skin. That, and the fact that it calms you down so after a long day in work you can just chill out. That it is a fabulous chill and unwind solution as well.

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