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No. 202, No. 5 Rulin Road, Ziyang Town, Wuyuan County

teh longjing

You might have heard of Longjing Tea if you are a tea lover. This is hands down one of the most famous and favored types of tea worldwide - a reputation that has not gone unjustified! What is Longjing Tea(ActionEvent) Also known as Dragon Well tea, Longjing tea corresponds to a variety of green teas that grow in the Hangzhou regionibiliChina. This delightful tea is something that many people really enjoy. So What Is So Special About Longjing Tea?

Longjing tea has the unique taste and aroma that differs it from other types of teas on earth. There is a fullness and nuttiness in its flavor which has this calming yet refreshing effect on me. If you drink this tea, AndYou C where can taste a little bit sweetness in it and its good because who always like to take distrongsweet drinks Combined, these traits create alluring Longjing tea.

Savor the Best Longjing Tea from China's Hangzhou Region

The finest Longjing tea is produced in the scenic area of Hangzhou, China. This region is known to have the ideal climate for tea cultivation. Situated within the hills and a favorable climate caused by there being 4 seasons, it makes for just what tea plants require. The tea leaves are meticulously selected from small family owned gardens, and this diligence in growing translates into every batch of carefully hand-crafted teas.

The tea picking season runs from late March to early May. At this crucial point in time, tea pickers skilled enough to pluck the leaves by hand are employed This is a highly skilled and labour-intensive process. At the point when these tea leaves have been cultivated they are taken through a cautious handling cycle to make Longjing, green free leaf which has gotten one of the world's most loved teas.

Why choose Dazhangshan tea teh longjing?

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