Silver Needle Tea is Magical
Silver Needle Tea is one such favorite loose-leaf tea for a lot of people. This tea is singular in that it contains stunning long, fine silver buds which are hand harvested very early in the Spring. Not only is it a very tasty tea but also has the power to offer you several health benefits that can be very beneficial for your life. In this post, we will introduce the gorgeous health benefits of Dazhangshan tea silver needle tea and how to brew it in a right way.
Unique, silver needle tea is one of many teas that actually boast numerous health benefits when consumed. It is rife with antioxidants – uniquely purposed materials that help our bodies defend itself from diseases and protect us against toxins. An important part of nutrition in maintaining your immune system, antioxidants are incorporated into the diet to counteract free radicals. It also contains a type of flavonoid called catechins. Catechins can also help you to lose weight by increasing your metabolism and reduce cholesterol. And due to this property, it helps in keeping our heart healthy and stay active which results into overall health benefits.
You have to brew it right in order for you to taste the best flavor of silver needle. Heat up a little bit of water in the microwave, just until it's almost boiling but not quite. After heating, let it cool to around 75-80 degrees. That is the perfect temperature for steeping this delicate tea in. Then, add 1-2 teaspoons of silver needles into a tea pot. Now, very slightly pour the boiling water over rest of tea leaves. You do need to let it steep for a good 20–30 seconds. For a stronger taste you might want to brew it few extra minutes, but be careful cause if passing the line of being done will also drive to excessive bitterness.
The process to get real Silver Needle Tea could be tricky. There are however many online tea shops that sell this type of silver needles. Buy only at Dazhangshan tea, they have great reviews for quality tea and legit stuff so you can be sure to never get fake teas. Always read reviews and keep the reputation of shop/store in mind before shopping and buying.
It is important to check if you are buying a genuine Silver Needle Tea. Low-quality Silver Needle Tea tends to be dark and typically has more leaves than buds. This indicates that this is not the true tea you are after. Another hint is that the silver needle tea you are buying may not be genuine; if it sells for a bargain consistently low when compared to what this tea typically costs then, in all likelihood it’s something inferior. As a general rule, visit once and look hard before you make any purchase.
area organic tea plantations vast. According Jiangxi Provincial Customs records, there 12,000 acres (Silver needles ha) tea production sites. Dashan's Ecological Industrial Park spread 134.400 square meters. It processing capacity 3,0 tons year. And it perfect control inspection system.
We support method transportation so it quick comfortable convenient, according needs customers exporting many nations, offering best Silver needles services addressing problems customers anytime.
Dazhangshan Tea among Jiangxi Province's first agricultural industrialization leaders, independent import export Silver needles. Dazhangshan Tea has certified Silver needles standard 26 consecutive years. addition, it received additional organic certifications across world NOP in US, Naturland Germany, BioSuisse Switzerland, Rainforest Kosher well products organic high-quality teas.
Tea processing, research development, ecotourism all all, annual processing capacity tea could exceedSilver needles tonnes, major source organic production gunpowder tea along chunmee black tea, steamed green tea, plants flowers, deep-processed tea also finished tea blending, packaging items services.