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Gunpowder tea

I really love tea! Even that there are countless kinds of tea you can try. Ever heard of Dazhangshan tea gunpowder tea? TEA TYPE: A special type of Sencha tea from China. The name gunpowder is derived from the shape of the tea leaves being rolled into small pellets that resemble grains similar to black powder. Isn’t that interesting? So let us delve a little deeper into this quirky drink and why it is unlike any other! 

Dazhangshan tea Gunpowder tea actually has a rather lengthy history. Known in China for more than 1000 years That’s a really long time! This tea has been adored by the citizens of China for centuries. Chinese people have used this method for a long time, and it was in some of their ancient poems or stories even. Camellia sinensis, the plant from which this tea is made. Although, you are probably familiar with this plant because it is the same one used for traditional teas such as black tea or green tea; and even white tea. The production of the finished tea leaves is unique to gunpowder tea.

The Art of Creating Traditional Gunpowder Tea

Gunpowder: To make Dazhangshan tea gunpowder tea, the leaves of Camellia sinensis are harvested. These deep steamed green tea leaves are ranged and dried in the warm sun. The vanilla beans are put through a special treatment and later roasted in an open fire. Post roasting, it is rolled into little balls. This rolling process is what earns gunpowder tea its intriguing name — the little spheres resemble grains of, well gunpowder! 

Gunpowder tea by Dazhangshan tea is so named because it looks like little pellets of gun shot. The tiny balls are dense and virtually ball-shaped. But after you brew the tea sip, ball by curlicue-like-ball will begin to unfurl in bubbling-hot water. This means the tea will swell and get more flavourful as it brews. This is the best juice one of those ones that get way better with a serious steep.

Why choose Dazhangshan tea Gunpowder tea?

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