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cold brew tea bags

Looking for a Divinely Delicious way to cool off on those blazing hot summer days? The answer is cold brew tea bags my friends. The most convenient pouches are the answer to putting together a cool and tasty beverage that will have you refreshed for every last degree.

Cold brew tea is easily accomplished by dropping a bag or two in a pitcherful of water, and then leaving it for several hours. After, use the bags and let them soak in that water for a few hours or overnight if you want to steep even longer: when your ready, just pull out the bag then pour over top of ice filled glasses. What you get is a smooth and delicate tea flavor that works perfect for enjoying on hot lazy day.

Drift Off to the Iced Perfect Utopia of Cold Brew Tea Bags

What's impressive about these cold brew tea bags is that they are so easy to use. This version is so much easier than the traditional method of having to boil water and wait for it to cool down! All you need to do is put the tea bags into a pitcher, fill it up with cold water and then leave them outside at room tempreature. It is that simple!

The other reason being, cold brew teas are cool and light so you can drink them continuously throughout the day without feel heavy. Enjoyable from the porch, backyard or park bench... Cold brew tea makes for a comforting and cool refreshment to keep you hydrated all through your summer adventures.

Why choose Dazhangshan tea cold brew tea bags?

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