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No. 202, No. 5 Rulin Road, Ziyang Town, Wuyuan County

chinese premium green tea lumudan

There is an ancient china green tea brand Lumudan Aromatic Tea that has been in high demand since hundreds of years by the patronisers. Lumudan Green Tea: Grown in the fields of this luscious Zhejiang province, known for their distinct taste and fragrance that calms your soul. It is a unique tea; it proceeds from the Camellia sinensis plant and has been meticulously handpicked.

What sets Lumudan apart is the processing of this green tea. Our tea is hand fired using a special fire process for the natural essence of delicious flavor and aromatics with antioxidants saved from every leaf. While could distinct one of a kind luxurious flavour go, an impressive alternate to get nearly all fruit involving teas.

Live Long and Let Lumudan Chinese Premium Green Tea heal you with health & wellbeing

In addition to taste of Lumudan green tea is, it also an icon of antioxidants. These antioxidants reduce inflammation and fight off free radicals which can cause cell damage that may result in chronic disease. It gets even better with our Lumudan green tea that you can enjoy to fight heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more! Also, the antioxidants it contains are great at anti-aging which makes people come back to this drink wanting for wrinkles free skin.

Why choose Dazhangshan tea chinese premium green tea lumudan?

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